Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Batman and Joker

Speak slowly and clearly.

Really, I can not understand what you are saying.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Base Jumping In Wing Suits

Wow, can you imagine the clean up should someone mess up.

Monday, September 28, 2009

How Many Did You Count?

I'm wondering if any of the drivers came back to the following year's event.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Neil Patrick Harris - Emmy Opening

For the creationists, most sorry. I couldn't find anything that either was a 10 minute diatribe against evolution or some evolutionist making fun of creationists. There is room to discuss elsewhere and probably exists somewhere in the middle. We'll never know until the day of our own reckoning.

Until then, a little entertainment...

He has come a long way from his Doogie Howser days. Someone that doesn't take himself too seriously is my impression.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Evolution Of Man

To be fair, here is the evolution of man.

with all due respect to the creationist folks, yours is tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Deception of Beauty

Oh how the deception can happen.

Look for beauty within, be your self.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Operation Make A Difference

This is a heart warming story that I hope will move you to make a small contribution. The story comes from 11Alive here in the greater Atlanta area. So read the story, watch the video and then go to Operation Gracyn and make a difference.

LOGANVILLE, Ga. -- In the town of Loganville, so many in the community have reached out to help a four-year-old girl with cerebral palsy.

The girl is Gracyn Rhodes, and she was born at just 2 lbs., 6 oz. eleven weeks ahead of schedule. Her mother, Brandi, says doctors told her that night Gracyn would be "lucky to make it through the night."

Gracyn made it through the night, but she was developmentally slow and two years later diagnosed with cerebral palsy. The two years since have been filled with therapy, injections, and braces -- even though Gracyn has learned to walk relatively well without them.

But she still struggles and falls frequently. Her family believes they have found the answer in a rare surgery called SDR; it helps with the spasticity and only applies a few CP patients.

But Gracyn falls into that group.

The surgery costs $40,000 and is best done in St. Louis; insurance won't cover out-of-state surgery, so the family has turned to the community in Loganville.

And the community has responded.

In less than a month, the people of Loganville have contributed roughly $14,000 to Gracyn. But, of course, that's not nearly enough, and Gracyn's parents are hoping to have raised the full $40,000 before their daughter's surgery in October.

Please go to to find out more and donate to the cause.

(Click to play the add...then click play again to see the news story)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Creation of Man

I couldn't find a decent video from creationist folks that was less then 5 minutes. Most were diatribes about evolutionists and evolutionists deriding creationists.

But what I could do is send us all to Funky Town.

Got make a move...

Friday, September 18, 2009

News Bloopers

Who doesn't like those news television bloopers.

(Careful: some language may be inappropriate, but remember these were mess ups by the individual)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jack Webb Schools President Obama

A political discussion or more like a lesson learned.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hitchcock and The Birds

One film that to this day still weirds me out watching it.

Don't ruffle any feathers...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Four Miles Of Tubing

From the Secret Policeman's Ball.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Futuristic Japanese Cars

The future is almost here....

But seemingly just out of reach for some reason.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Great video editing work.

Now, what else can we catch?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Michael Meets Elvis

And so it starts....

I'm waiting for the video of Michael and Elvis having a cheeseburger in a diner somewhere near Tunica, Mississippi.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Benny Hill's Wish

Always a twist of fun from Benny Hill!

It always goes back to love what you have already.